#2 Shot reflection

This Still shot from our Drama Short-film ‘Lost Friendships’ shows our cast acting out a scene in which the characters Gavin and Jeremiah (James Walker and Paul Davidson) are having an argument with Giovanni and David (Lachlan Sinclair-Anderson and Ben Savage). Gavin and Jeremiah caught the two smoking with Chris around the corner whilst walking home from school in an alleyway. The shot includes all 4 characters which is the only scene that does so.

The shot includes the dialogue ‘Why can’t I have other friends too?’ and this shows deep meaning as the whole story is based around how Gavin left David for someone else and he spiralled into dangerous friendships with Giovanni doing the wrong things. He believes that, although Gavin is allowed to have other friends and it is completely fine that he also hangs out with Jeremiah, he is Gavin’s only friend and since he betrayed him he would be allowed to have Giovanni as his new best friend.

The scene is portrayed in an alleyway on a cloudy day to show the sketchiness of David’s acts of smoking. The shot is an over the shoulder shot (over both Gavin and Jeremiah’s shoulders) so that you can still see all 4 of them but have it still look like they are having a conversation without breaking the fourth wall.
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#1 Birthday Boy Film

Identify 2 examples of the following shots and state why you belive the director has used these.

Extreme Long Shot

  1. 4:10 Extreme long shot of village, made to show the surrounding areas and the living style.
  2. 4:28 Extreme long shot of village pathways, made to show paths of travel and streets.

Medium Shot

  1. 4:38 Medium shot of sky, made to show the pollution in the area and damage the war has done to the environment.
  2. 3:11 Medium shot of main character, made to show clothing and face.


  1. 6:08 Close up of boy, to show hat and facial expression
  2. 7:05 Close up of boy and toys, made to show his creative ways of having fun even though the war goes on.

Medium Close-Up

  1. 2:19 Medium close up of boy with train tracks, made to show that there is other ways of transport and to fascinate the audience with his procedures of having fun.
  2. 5:24 Medium close up of boy, to show his embarrassment to causing trouble and his expression whilst hiding.

Identify a Point of View Shot in Birthday Boy and explain why you think the film maker has used this shot

2:40 POV shot of train and its speed travelling along the tracks, made to show the speed and the efficiency of transport in Korea at the time and it is shaky to show how it travels

Identify 2 examples of the following anglesand state why you belive the director has used these.


  1. 4:04 Village rooftops, to show the vast area of land covered by civilization and houses.
  2. 4:56 to show not only the rooftops but also the playground of the boy, as he re-enacts war scenes.


  1. 0:43 Eye angle with main character to show his expression whilst looking for pieces to put on his sculptures (toys).
  2. 5:11 Showing birthday boy (playing) hiding from pretend opposition and throwing a pretend grenade.


  1. 2:19 canted angle of character, to show his fascination with the metal piece on the tracks.
  2. 6:56 canted angle of character, to show his fascination with building the toys and keeping the audience intrigued within the process.


Scene 1; Classroom scene

James: This is me

This is Jeremiah

This is David. He used to be alright. He hangs out with this dumbass, Giovanni.

*camera on Boont* Maths is pretty bloody boring. My teacher mr Boont speaks in this monotone voice. *Paper noise while camera still on Boont* *Paper scene*

Scene 2

James: We used to hang out. *Gavin waiting on footpath* *David walks up to Gav*

David: Hey man, did you end up finishing the campaign for COD yesterday?

James: Nah, I had to do my homework.  

David: Why? It’s not even due for two days.

James: Oh well, homework isn’t that bad.

David: Yeah but COD is better.

James: Yeah whatever, you may as well just start skipping school.

David: I mean if I didn’t go you’d get lonely walking to school every morning.


Scene 3:

Gavin is waiting, but other person walks with him, David watches them leave laughing.*

David: Hey! Gav, wait up! *Goes to walk across road to him but car speeds across his path*


Scene 4:

*Gavin sitting in class staring at Gavin laughing with friend*

Giovanni: *Not smiling, sitting with “spare Chris”* Oi mate,David right? You’re looking like a bit of a sad kid, where’s your smart buddy Gav?

David: He’s found some other smart bloke to hang out with, isn’t even looking at me.

Giovanni: Alright, how about you come round the corner after school, we can have a smoke with Ronnie here.

David: I don’t really smoke but sure, cheers.

Giovanni: No worries mate, ya need someone good to chill with.


Scene 5:  Alleyway smoking

*In front of characters moving with them, showing faces.*

Gavin: I don’t know Jeremiah, I guess I just need someone to talk to about something other than video games and sports. It’s good to have a break from him.

Jeremiah: Hey I mean that David guy is pretty dumb, I don’t get why you hung out with him.

Gavin: Yeah I just grew up with him, he’s always been there and we just got close.

Jeremiah: Anyways, here’s something you wouldn’t be able to talk about with degenerate David, Malcolm Turnbull just contested Tony Abbott for his seat in the Liberal party. Can you believe that? I mean admittedly Tony Abbott is a bit of an off character but – *J is interrupted by the sound of coughing after they walk past alley way*

*Shot of wall with people behind it*

Voices in background: Oi shut up kid. You’re gonna get us caught.

*Jeremiah and Gavin go to check what the sound is. Camera stays where they walked up to before, films them pausing outside the alley*

Gavin: David? What are you doing? Is that… Giovanni. What are you doing with him?

David: What do you mean? He’s my mate, mate. *David walks to Gavin and Jeremiah* I mean you got Jeremiah right here, can’t I have other friends too?

Gavin: What’s that supposed to mean, you’re allowed other friends, but Giovanni is a bad influence.

Jeremiah: Gavin we’re going, it smells like Nicotiana Tabacum, or Cigarettes I guess.

*Going between characters, mid shot. Then last shot of the group of them when Jeremiah speaks.*d


Scene 6: Holly Street (Fake school oval) Graffiti

*Gavin walking his dog, sees David, Giovanni and extra chris graffiting (Deodorant cans on already sprayed graffiti.)*

Gavin: You’re joking. *Kids doing graffiti, Gav walks into frame*

Giovanni: Oh screw this,I’m getting out of here now, he’s gonna snitch.

*Giovanni and extra run away*

Gavin: David, you can’t be serious, smoking with these kids is one thing but you’re actually defacing school property now. It’s gone too far, this is illegal. *Behind shot more to the the side of Gavin*

David: What else am I gonna do, it’s not like i can go anywhere else, you know i’ve never been able to keep up at school. *Camera switches between the two as aggression and intensity rises quicker and quicker.*

Gavin: It doesn’t matter how good you are at school. Take up a sport. Learn a trade.

David: I’ve always done that stuff with you Gav. You left and started hanging out with Jeremiah, you didn’t even give me a goddamn look. Giovanni noticed and offered me his, condolence or whatever. His friendship. He was there Gavin, but where were you? You didn’t notice how I was feeling, let alone consider it.

Gavin: But to take up graffiting, smoking cigarettes, you’ve probably become a full blown drug addict now haven’t you? Haven’t you? You’re not David anymore. Not the guy I used to walk to school with. The guy I grew up with. You David, are a disgrace. A complete disgrace. *Silence for a time, shot goes to extreme long shot and David punches Gavin in the stomach uppercut. Gavin drops to the ground and David walks away.*



Scene 7

*Gavin sitting in class looking tired and flat. Goes to teacher to talk to him, looking over at Giovanni and David. Goes to sit down again while the rebels glare.*


Scene 8

*Gavin and Jeremiah hops off of bus and walks past alleyway. Giovanni and Extra grab him and begin to beat him up. Jeremiah runs away.*

People in fight: Scuffle noises and helps from Gavin.

David: *After a while* Oi boys stop. What are you doing you bloody idiots. I leave to get something from the servo for five minutes. Get out of here. Now.

*Giovanni and extra walk away casting glances at Gavin who is on the ground.*

Gavin: Thank you David. I’m sorry about what I said the other day. You’re not a disgrace, I know you’re just trying to find yourself or something like that. What do you reckon, mates ? *Offers hand up.*
David: Nah mate… too late for that



Process Diary


To start we brainstormed an idea of what we thought would work for a story. Everyone had their own ideas and we decided to a collaboration of a few and incorporate different ideas in the film. We also decided roles for everyone in the group so that we could work efficiently and productively throughout the task. I was given editor due to my previous roles as editor in other groups in the past, We then started the script.



During the holidays we finished the script. After the holidays, we started filming in the classroom and then went on to film the rest on the weekend. We did so in local areas around James’s house, like the oval and the alleyway scenes. I did a bit more work on the blog adding my homework tasks to the page.



For me the most time consuming part of the editing process was the subtitles in the video, also deciding what music and transitions were to be used. I spent most of the day editing and then continued to finish of the blog.